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The Long Awaited... 'Chia Seed' Post

As many of you know , the mentioning of chia seeds while in my office often provokes quite the reaction. I am certainly not a fan , and while I’m sure you’ve heard and read how beneficial chia seeds are for your health and “ promote a healthy digestive system “. I strongly stand my ground and beg to differ, and here’s why -

Now , I will preface this with stating I am not a doctor or a professional dietician , I purely speak from a place of experience and based off what I have witnessed during consults and sessions. With that said , I do feel somewhat of a responsibility to speak out on this matter due to the high number of clients I see have a chia seed blockage during sessions.

Often times during treatment , a client will take in tons of water and yet when it’s time to release , little to no waste comes out . This is common with people who have very dry stool or an impacted colon, or a first timer. However , I do go through a series of questions when this happens. Are you properly hydrating ? What have your bowel movement looked like in the past month ? Do you consume chia seeds ??

When a client reports they consume chia seeds on a regular basis , I then have a pretty good idea of knowing what I’m working with.

Fill after fill , after fill … the chia seeds are absorbing all the water ( as they do, and that’s their job and major role in aiding “ good digestion” ) the problem is , these little suckers, can hold 10-15 times weight in water and should not be consumed in more than 1 oz per serving ). If consumed without an adequate amount water and soak time, the seeds may take whatever water is in your digestive tract and soak it up. This leaves you dry , bloated and with chia seeds lodged in your colon. In addition , due to their tough exterior - it very taxing on our bodies to attempt to break down and absorb them. Lastly, if you are already struggling with constipation and proper daily hydration, the seeds aren’t able to pass through , which leads to build up of thousands of stuck seeds that are covered in a jelly like layer.

So, in short - yes , chia seeds are packed with antioxidants, may lower blood sugar levels , are anti-inflammatory and most famously praised for their fiber content and leaving you feeling of full. But they most certainly should NOT be sprinkled on to smoothie bowls or tossed into recipes.

This is why, upon prepping for you session(s) at Pure Body Kauai , I ask and have posted on my website “ please do not consume chia seeds prior to treatment “. You will most likely end up needing additional sessions because of the time it takes for us to remove the seeds entirely from your colon.

I’m sure many will argue and stand up for these water suckers in saying “ one must add adequate water / soak time prior to consumption and you’ll avoid this entirely “

Perhaps , it’s definitely possible - I’m not here to tell you it’s impossible. However , in my experience , I’ve seen way too many clients who claim to have done this and still have these gelatinous blockages. In addition , if you’re not seeing the seeds in your bowel movements the day of or after consumption , it’s safe to assume you have stool that’s not allowing them to pass and/or they are building up in your colon and may quite possibly lead to a small blockage.

In short , a few seeds throughout your digestive system is not the end of the world, you will not end up in the ER. And of course , if you know FOR CERTAIN that these seeds in fact, work miracles for YOUR body, flush your colon and provide you with optimal function - by all means , do you boo! Seriously , I’m 100% an advocate for individual health ( we’re all so different and health is not a one size fits all). But if you’re consuming these on a regular basis , not soaking them , not having regular bowel movements and still shoveling in chia seed pudding after pudding … I’d say it’s best to alter your course and perhaps , choose a different method of fiber consumption.

Again , I cannot stress enough -the vital importance of doing what’s best for body and using your intuition to guide you.

( Tip for the die hard chia seed fans : try grinding them for maximum nutrient absorption )

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