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I have been dealing with a variety of health issues for some time. Colon Hydrotherapy was recommended by a friend and simply put - it helped many aspects, beyond just my gut health: my skin, vision, energy levels, bloating, appetite and cravings, headaches, and more. I do understand though, every practitioner is not considered equal. Danielle sincerely goes above and beyond.

First, she provided education about the body, intestines, organs, gut health, energy, and how they all function together and impact one another. The service itself was easy and, yes, relaxing. Also, I really enjoyed the viewing tube. It was fascinating and I learned a lot about my eating habits that may be effects my health. Danielle provided massage, aromatherapy, tranquil music and a peaceful ambiance during the treatment. It is quite honestly the best space for healing and cleansing in so many ways. And, her equipment is top of the line. I felt safe, clean, and comfortable. And, what was so refreshing, is that I never felt rushed or like I was asking a dumb question. She is compassionate, knowledgeable and understanding.

Beyond just the treatment, Danielle then provided consultation on exercises, supplements, daily lifestyle tweaks, diet, and more! I had questions before and after the treatment and she was so responsive and helpful! She even offered to share her supplements with me - LOL! Now that's above and beyond.

She genuinely cares about the holistic health and healing process for each of her patients. It shines through every aspect of her business and her immense knowledge of the body, gut, and healing.

I wish I could fly friends from all over to see Danielle :)

Thank you!

Kelly Hug

I had the most DIVINE experience of a colonic with Danielle at Pure Body Kauai, I honestly don't think the experience could get any better. She is a wise and experienced healer that is truly living her passion and her purpose, and it is felt with the energy she brings to her sessions. I felt so at ease, comfortable, and cared for throughout the entire process. Colonics are such a profound way to give your body a reset, both physically and emotionally. Her attention to the small details were the icing on the cake - the beautiful space, the fuzzy socks, the yummy kombucha. I am so grateful to have her brilliant heart here on Kauai.

Kelsey Turner


It was truly a very beautiful healing and wonderful experience
Danielle was very careful and conscious about everything extremely gentle and patient with me and I highly recommend her as a colon therapist as she really knows her stuff and makes you feel quite comfortable and loved
I felt amazing after and her probiotic was amazing along with her green drink afterwards
Everything was ver orderly and clean
I give her a total thumbs up

Maria Light

Danielle is a life saver! I had never gotten a colonic before and she made the whole process super enjoyable. The few days prior to my appointment she made sure I was informed on the process and was fast to respond to any questions I had. Before the treatment she gave me a run down of the digestive system which I found helped a lot with me understanding why I had the symptoms I was having after traveling. During the treatment she made sure I was comfortable and even messaged me to help subside any discomfort! After the treatment she offered me coconut water, kombucha, and a probiotic. Overall the experience was a 10/10 and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to get a colonic on kauai!

Erin Saliba

Danielle is a truly gifted, passionate, and compassionate practitioner- A rare gem, My experience receiving colon hydrotherapy for the first time from her was life changing( really!!!), deeply cleansing ( years of junk out of my system!!!!), rejuvenating ( I felt so light and joyful afterwards), and put me intimately in touch with the MAGIC of the body and the natural elements we have available to take care of it. This work has greatly accelerated my ongoing path to become the healthiest version of myself possible. I feel so grateful to have met Danielle, and am genuinely looking forward to my future sessions. MAHALO

Stephanie L.


This colonic experience comes HIGHLY recommended. Danielle is amazing at what she does! I was bewildered by how relaxing and non-intrusive the session can be. Danielle was so sweet and nurturing to my bodies needs. The colon cleanse felt easy and at the same time very thorough. A few days later and my body is still feeling the deep reset. Thanks so much Danielle for the space you hold, I will definitely be coming back!

Ty Larose

I have been on path of detoxification and doing colonics about 2 years. I was very happy find out Danielle opened colonics on Kauai. She is truly healer, she understand clients needs and help me always gently go through it. I am doing 2 sessions a month and couldnt get better angel by me hold the space. I like she does not rush and will stay with me even longer, if I need to. She is very intuitive. This session continuing change my life for better. Truly thank you!

Aneta K


I have gone to be moral support for family getting colonics before so I kind of knew what to expect but it’s always more nerve wracking when it’s you. I was so tense at first and very nervous. Danielle calmed every fear and was absolutely everything I didn’t even know I wanted in a colonics experience. From the professional appearance of the office, to the essential oils and abdominal massage, to the probiotic/kombucha afterwards along with the dietary suggestions, I felt like you really couldn’t ask for more, especially out of your first experience. I booked the 3 pack right off that bat and after that first session, I’m so glad I did. Definitely would recommend to everyone especially if you have doubts going into it, she is the way to go. 10/10!

Enisa Q.

Danielle is a colonic angel. She hold beautiful space, is an expert at her job, and will offer you one of the most present, compassionate, patient colonic experiences you have ever had. Highly recommend.

Jane Mayer


DANIELLE IS AMAZING!!! I was very apprehensive and nervous about doing this type of treatment. After meeting Danielle, she put my mind at ease and guided me through the procedure. She is a genuine person and truly cares about  YOUR health. Not only in the treatment room but in the after care and follow up. Danielle set me up with a 30 day health regiment and made it very easy for me to follow. If you care about yourself and your health, I HIGHLY recommend! I have done 2 sessions and I feel amazing, not to mention losing pounds! 6 out of 5  STARS!!!!!!!!

Curtis R


I don't really know where to begin other than by saying what an INCREDIBLE experience I had with Danielle. I had never done a colonic before, but since I was in Kauai in part to have a few months of living "healthy" I figured I would give it a try. From the minute I reached out with questions about the booking process until the appt (and then after) Danielle was there to walk me through the process and answer all of my questions (I had a lot). She even provided recs for good food and sightseeing on the island. Most importantly was the experience itself. It is definitely something that is intimate given the nature of what is occurring, but rest assured by the end of it Danielle makes you feel like she is your best friend and any feelings of discomfort are totally gone. She is kind and funny and really knowledgable on the topic of colon hydrotherapy. I would recommend everyone try this without hesitation. I have already told many friends that they must give it a shot

Joshua R

Positive: Cleanliness, Professionalism, Punctuality, Quality, Value
If you live or your visiting Kauai make sure you book an appointment with Pure Body Kauai, Danielle. Let me just start with “I’ve had more then my share of colonics over the years” Danielle is the best colon hydrotherapist I’ve ever encountered. Her knowledge, cleanliness, professionalism and beautiful location makes this my go to place!!!! Highly Recommend!!!

Kristina D


Danielle is absolutely amazing! Her knowledge on Colon therapy and passion for healing is incredible. She truly wants the absolute best for all of her clients. Colonics can be an intimidating experience if you don’t know what to expect but she really helps you feel comfortable and relaxed. I ended up booking two additional sessions after my first one and intend to keep seeing her in the future. Colon health is so so important and Danielle really helps to guide you through the whole process, including what changes you can make in your diet to have a more successful session and healthier digestion overall. Highly, highly recommend.

Tessa C

This place is amazing! I visited Kauai with friends and family over new years and wanted to try something different besides just a spa day! I was really looking for a full body reset / cleanse. I did some research on Google for the best thing to do and found Colon Hydrotherapy. Turns out Pure Body Kauai is a new Business in Kapaa, that offers this treatment. I feel 10x better after my session. If your looking to cleanse your body, Danielle is highly recommended! She is very knowledgeable, personal, and exceeded my expectations. Go visit Pure Body Kauai!

Jerry P

This was my first time having a colonic. I was very hesitant and nervous at first. After the session, I don’t know why I haven’t had one done sooner! Danielle made me feel comfortable and she had lots of valuable information for my health. This was definitely a positive experience on my road to recovery.

Chris Smolko

Danielle has a beautiful space and provides first-rate support. Having gone through a transformative healing process herself, Danielle understands the benefits of approaching health from all angles and keeping a body happy, healthy, and functioning at the highest level.

Dan B


Danielle is absolutely amazing! Her knowledge on Colon therapy and passion for healing is incredible. She truly wants the absolute best for all of her clients. Colonics can be an intimidating experience if you don’t know what to expect but she really helps you feel comfortable and relaxed. I ended up booking two additional sessions after my first one and intend to keep seeing her in the future. Colon health is so so important and Danielle really helps to guide you through the whole process, including what changes you can make in your diet to have a more successful session and healthier digestion overall. Highly, highly recommend.

Emma Meyers

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